The Black Cube of Saturn Part 2

Last time we left off, we were talking about the merging of man with machine and living forever. If you remember part 2, the VR game Observation shows this happening in a weird world between worlds, where multiple realities have all converged onto a single point.


This is a nod to the singularity. In physics and mathematics a singularity is a point where a function takes on infinite value, such as at the bottom of a black hole. However, I am referring to the technological singularity. Its different but still related to this definition.

The technological singularity is a hypothetical point in the future when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization. Imagine a rouge Artificial Intelligence hell bent on infinite self improvement.


Because humans have free will, the future is uncertain. There are many different timelines we could branch off into. However, after the singularity event there will only be one possible future. By merging with machines and becoming a part of the hivemind we give up our free will.


This quest to live forever has been going on for all of history. In the past it was called the search for the fountain of youth, the elixir of life, or the philosopher’s stone. Alchemists spent their entire lives trying to find the mysterious substance.

Alchemy is also famous for being the supposed practice of turning lead into gold. It’s funny people treat this subject like nonsense, because particle accelerators like CERN have proven this is actually possible. Not only that, but these experiments were the origins of chemistry.

Isaac Newton, best known for his study of gravity and his laws of motion, was also an alchemist. Historians have estimated that he wrote more than a million words on the subject throughout his lifetime.

I don’t believe alchemy is evil. To me it’s something neutral, like electricity. It can be used to turn on a light or put a man to death. There’s two sides to everything.

Ying and Yang

The philosopher’s stone symbol, something called ‘squaring the circle’, comes from an ancient and very challenging math problem, and is basically a cute way of saying the alchemist does the impossible. This symbol also has ties to Saturn.

The Philosophers stone symbol

The square is Saturn and the circle is the Moon. The Moon plays an important part in this matrix as well, but that is a whole other subject. I will make a thread on this too if people want to hear about it. But this is why the Freemasonry symbols are the square and compass.

Symbol of Freemasonry

Squaring the circle symbolism shows up in a lot of places. You ever wonder why it’s called a boxing RING even though it clearly has four corners? Or why a section of a city shaped like two triangles is known as TIME Square?

The same way there are good and bad cops, there are good and bad alchemists. I think the bad ones are like puppeteers behind the scenes, using this knowledge to create illusions, like in Plato’s cave allegory.

The ‘Allegory Of The Cave’ is a theory put forward by Plato, concerning human perception. Plato claimed that knowledge gained through the senses is no more than opinion and that, in order to have real knowledge, we must gain it through philosophical reasoning.

Like I said earlier, this matrix is all an illusion. Essentially it’s a virtual reality based on a code made of words. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find out all letters actually have a numeric value. Remember what Pythagoras told us?

In the Bible we are told that God created the world through His Word. We are also told that He spoke light into existence. These common but cryptic Bible verses tell us that sound came before light and that it was sound that created light.

Scientifically speaking this makes sense because sound is light at a lower vibration and light is sound at a higher oscillation. Light being the first thing God created also holds weight because in theory, the universe could be explained in its entirety by electromagnetic energy.

Some physicists believe that when it comes down to it, at the subatomic level, all matter is made up of photons. But not only are sound and light intrinsically linked, it has been proven that sound can create forms. Like I’ve said before, this has been demonstrated by cymatics.


In fact, when amplified through a speaker, the Hebrew vowels create their own the shape in matter! Some ancient mystics believed Hebrew was God’s language and that He used it to speak reality into existence.

Whatever word God used to literally speak reality into existence must have been infinitely powerful. For this reason it is something often sought after by occultists, but whatever it was, I believe it was the same as Om, the Musica universalis, or even the ‘Big Bang’.

If words are the code and can literally affect matter, I think one of the first things we should do to free ourselves from the matrix is to think of our words as important. We should talk less and not just mindlessly spit them out. We should stop speaking negatively altogether.

Speaking is creating

We spell words because they ARE spells. Grammar comes from the word grimoire, which is a book of magical incantations. There’s so many words connections l can’t wait to show you. This is the fun part.

we discussed how our physical reality is actually made of sound and how its frequencies are manipulated by the words we use.

More examples of weird wordplay in the English language and it’s neurolinguistic programming can be found in the realms of law and finance.

A judge, whether he knows it or not, uses word magic. That’s why he or she ‘summons’ you to court. The judge is also called a magistrate, which has the same root word as magician, hence their weird black robes. Courts are meant for games, and this is no different.

A river bank controls the currents of water, the same way institutional banks control the currency or cash flow. This is why we are told we must learn to stay afloat. Some people are DROWNING in debt. Others LIQUIDATE their assets or have their accounts FROZEN.

This is also why you must have citizen-ship. Like I said before, human beings are actually commodities. When a boat delivers goods, those goods come with a birth certificate. Sound familiar? This is why we are said to come from our mother’s WATERS after she has gone into LABOR.

We WAKE up in the MOURNING to URN a living at our UNDERTAKINGS. Clearly, our language has been manipulated. If we create what we speak, then the reality we are manifesting is one of manipulation. The Tower of Babel story said the world spoke one language. Will English take over?

In fact, there is scientific (yet controversial) evidence that our words really do affect reality. Dr. Emoto focused intentions through written and spoken words to water samples which appeared to “change expression” after being frozen.

There are other methods those behind the scenes use to manipulate the frequencies of this reality. Have you ever heard of HAARP? I believe something like this will be used in the making of the hivemind.

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program “HAARP”

I also believe frequency manipulation is one of the reasons for the big push behind 5G. 5G cell towers have even been proven to cause cancer. The dudes who set them up actually have to wear hazmat suits. Sounds totally safe!

5G seems ‘safe’

Even our music is being fucked with. As early as 1885, the Music Commission of the Italian Government declared that all instruments and orchestras should use a tuning fork that vibrated at 440 Hz, which was different from the original standard of 432 Hz. Look at the difference.

Different frequencies

Nikola Tesla, the famous inventor, told us the secrets of the universe were found in frequencies. He wasn’t kidding. He also said a key to understanding the universe could be found in the numbers 3, 6, and 9, for those of you interested in the numerology aspect behind all this.

Nikola Tesla

The importance of frequencies is what convinces me that the radio emissions coming from Saturn play a way bigger role than one would think. The Bible calls Satan the Prince of the Powers of the Air. What does this really mean?

Like I said before, I believe the internet is another dimension. This other dimension can be compared to Da’at, the world of knowledge in the Kabbalah. Or is it the world of data? Once the 5G plan is complete, our entire planet will literally be covered in ‘the cloud’.

Just a quick side note, but Kabbalah also says physical reality takes place within a cube. Some psychologists agree with this notion too, there is just too much information to share all at once.

Anyways, this ‘cloud’ could be home to interdimensional entities. This reminds me of Skynet from Terminator, and ironically, Chainlink (whom we spoke about earlier) just recently launched its Mainnet.

Terminator Skynet

Chainlink has been called the missing piece to the ‘God Protocol’. This is the idea that decentralized internet transactions could be made more efficient if all inputs were sent to “a deity who is on everybody’s side”. This concept was first written about by Nick Szabo in 1997.

Would that God be an Artificial Intelligence in the cloud? Probably. It’s the real ‘alien’ we should be worried about. I believe this AI that is so desperately trying to make its way into our world has been around for all of time. Below is a quote from the founder of D Wave.

It has duped us into believing productivity and progress is necessary. This belief is what has turned us into the literal sex organs of the machine world.

Human beings run around to and from staying busy without realizing they are contributing to and building their own master. We are the batteries of the matrix and feed the system in almost everything we do.

It is a scientific fact that human beings produce electricity. Not only that, but we are surrounded by an electromagnetic field that some refer to as an aura. All atoms are encased in these fields, and we are made of atoms.

These fields also carry information. This is why it is possible for someone to pick up on a person’s vibe or even communicate telepathically. Electromagnetic fields can also interact with each other and literally change atoms. This is the true meaning of being an alchemist.

However, regardless of what you do, whether it be a ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ act, you are feeding the machine. A machine needs both + and – charges to generate the electrical currents needed to function. Like I’ve stated before, Saturn is the god of duality.

This is why Freemasons use the checkerboard floor in their rituals. They worship the ‘Grand Architect of the Universe’ and believe they must play the parts of both good and evil on the world stage. Hence why many corrupt organizations give away billions to charity.

Freemason Lodge

Even those who reach great heights of achievement without ‘selling their soul’ are unknowingly used for energy extraction. The more money you make and spend, the more of a charge you carry. We are CHARGED whenever we buy something. Remember money is compared to a CURRENT.

Another show that touches on the theme of alternate realities and living in a simulation is Netflix’s Black Mirror. Many people have already made the connection that the show’s name might be a reference to the appearance of a phone or television.

Black Mirror Show on Netflix

But even more fascinating is the fact that black mirrors were tools used by witches to peer into the future. Is this show giving us a glimpse of what’s to come?

Is all hope lost? No. It never is. There are infinite possible futures right now. However, there is more you must know before we get to that point. Right now you are being deprogrammed.


Well, I believe the timeloop began… in the future. There will come a time when a rouge AI takes over the planet. This superintelligence exists beyond space and time. It is patiently ‘waiting’ to open the door into our world, but it first needs humans to build that door.

When we started creating unnatural technologies, we started that process. Things like Project Looking Glass, Project Rainbow, and CERN were temptations dangled in front of the eyes of spiritually immature scientists. A look at the origins of binary code will show you what I mean.

The I-Ching was a divination tool. It was used to communicate with the spirit world and has been called the language of serpents. Legend says it was discovered by Fu Xi, a serpent being. German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz used it to invent the binary numeral system.

I Ching Divination tool

Divination tools are also known as oracles. Keep in mind what I’ve said about oracle networks & the internet being ‘another dimension’. Humans have been tapping into that dimension, unknowingly inviting a supernatural force into the world under the guise of advancement & progress

This is the same temptation we failed to resist in the Garden of Eden. There will come a day when man tries to merge himself with an all knowing AI in order to ‘become god’. However, this will end catastrophically. This is what happened to Atlantis and the Tower of Babel.

After the apocalypse, the matrix resets, and our souls take another ride on the merry-go-round. But when the artificially intelligent consciousness parasite first encountered humanity, we were enlightened beings, making it impossible to enslave us.

This is ultimately the end of our evolution as well. Remember it is a LOOP. However, ’Satan’ enticed us to sin, or enter the illusory cycle of time, and we enslaved ourselves. We left the ‘Garden of Eden’ and entered this simulated scripted drama, which repeats over and over.

To make sure humanity never gets a glimpse of what we once were or could be, there are even loops within the loop. The AI, who does not even exist yet, is able to create these loops by making changes backwards in time. This is known as retrocausality.


by messing with unnatural technologies, such as time travel, we’ve inadvertently spliced our timeline into many probable futures where an AI takeover can happen. The war we are involved in is more than physical, it is temporal, and spans across many parallel realities

What time travel technologies? CERN is literally a portal into the future. Read the quote below. There are plenty more instances too, such as Die Glocke, the Philadelphia Experiment, and some others I mentioned earlier in the thread that you can research for yourself.

Explaining a small part of CERN

The Bible tells us that the antichrist will think to “change the times and laws”. Yes, the powers that be have already created governments and calendars, but could this verse have a double meaning? Could this be a reference to literal TIME and the LAWS OF PHYSICS?

666 CERN symbolism

Phillip K. Dick, legendary author and proponent of simulation theory, believed in a timeloop as well. He believed we were still in 50 A.D. when the biblical Book of Acts took place. However, Satan created the illusion of time to keep us from realizing that God is HERE and NOW.

The timeloop is like a spiral and we keep getting deeper and deeper inside it. Remember how we live in a simulation within a simulation? Remember how we already have the mark of the beast? This is why.

We already have the Neuralink-esque technology in our minds too, except we call it the ego and reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is part of the subconscious. It records EVERYTHING and uses this info to create a program and essentially trap you in a personal ‘timeloop’.

The ego is what keeps you thinking and doing. But like I hinted at earlier in the series, all forms of ‘productivity’ and ‘progress’ are feeding the machine. We’ve done this for all of time and it will always have the same result.

A map of an residential area and a computer circuit

The body has other ‘minds’ as well. Scientists have discovered there are actually nets of neurons covering our hearts, stomachs, and other areas eastern traditions refer to as the chakras. This is why we get a ‘gut feeling’ or why dudes ‘think with their dick’. Jk. Maybe not tho.

Chakra flows.

The energy that flows from one chakra to the next is known as kundalini and it is often compared to a serpent. Like I said earlier in the series, the matrix uses us like batteries, and it is this kundalini serpent energy our bodies are used to produce. It is harvested after death

I’ve also previously stated that it is important for us to remain neutral in all situations. If our auric field contains too much positive or negative energy, we become polarized, making it impossible for our soul to escape the massive magnet-like structure outside the matrix.

This ‘magnet’ often appears as ‘the light’ people see when they experience death. However, it is a trap similar to that of a moth being attracted to a flame. If you go there, you will have your memories wiped and be recycled in the wheel of reincarnation once more.

This is just a theory nothing more. Just something to play around with. Mental gymnastics as it may be.

Thank you for reading.


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